Ceramic Flat Sheet Membrane in Drinking Water Treatment012020.12Surface water, as the source of drinking water in a considerable area of China, however, is more susceptible to interference from external factors and becomes a slightly polluted drinking water source...DETAILS
Ceramic Membrane Microfiltratoin Treats Biodiesel192020.11As a renewable and environmentally friendly energy source, biodiesel is a necessary supplement to petrochemical diesel. The output of EU biodiesel in 2006 exceeded 6.069 million tons, an increase of 9...DETAILS
Ceramic Membrane Technology for Cutting Fluid Recovery122020.11With the rapid development of modern machinery manufacturing, cutting fluids have been widely used in machining, and the amount of cutting fluid has increased rapidly. However, the cutting fluid will ...DETAILS
How to Clean Ceramic Membrane?112020.11Ceramic membrane, a new type of material membrane, will cause pollution and blockage during use, which will gradually decrease the membrane permeation flux. Especially for ceramic membranes used in se...DETAILS
How does Membrane Technologies Perform in Vaccine Preparation152020.10As one of the critical points of quality control in the biopharmaceutical process, filtration technology has been widely used in the biopharmaceutical field. Filtration products are also widely used i...DETAILS