Application of Ceramic Membrane in Sweetener Production152021.09Ⅰ. Application of ceramic membrane in sweetener productionSweeteners refer to food additives that can impart sweetness to soft drinks. Sweeteners can be divided into nutritive sweeteners and non-nutr...DETAILS
Comprehensive Utilization of Ceramic Film Titanium Dioxide112021.09China is a major producer of titanium dioxide, with an annual production of about 3 million tons of titanium dioxide, of which sulfuric acid method titanium dioxide accounts for 95% of the total outpu...DETAILS
Water Environment Treatment072021.09Pollution Sources (污染来源): domestic sewage (生活污水), domestic garbage (生活垃圾) livestock and poultry waste water (畜禽类便污水), tail water of sewage treatment facilities (污水处理设施的尾水), ...DETAILS
Municipal Wastewater032021.09Municipal wastewater is a product of urban development. With the acceleration of urbanization and industrialization, its generation is increasing and pollution is becoming more and more serious, which...DETAILS