Application of Membrane Separation Technology in Antibiotics062020.08Antibiotics, also known as antibiotics, are chemical substances produced or synthesized by microorganisms (including bacteria, fungi, etc.) or higher animals and plants in the life process, which can ...DETAILS
Ceramic Membrane Technology Treats Cold Rolling Wastewater302020.07In order to eliminate the heat of deformation generated during cold rolling of strip steel, steel enterprises need to use emulsions or palm oil for cooling and lubrication. However, the process of rol...DETAILS
Application of Membrane Integrated System in Inulin292020.07Inulin is a reserve polysaccharide in plants. The inulin molecule is formed by polymerization of 31 β-D-frutofuranose and 1-2 pyraninose residues. The fructose residues can pass through β-2,1-bond. ...DETAILS
Inorganic Ceramic Membrane Treats Edible Oil Wastewater282020.071.The Principle of Inorganic Ceramic Membrane TechnologyCeramic membrane is one kind of inorganic membrane, belongs to the solid membrane material in membrane separation technology, mainly with differ...DETAILS